Jabu Zwane is a Vibrant, Thought-provoking, Deeply engaging, and Exciting keynote speaker. He is able to capture the audience's attention and imagination, with powerful story-telling, relevant and insightful content.
Jabu Zwane delivers Highly effective, specialised facilitatation and training based on the ground-breaking Mindset Development Framework.
THe most common feedback from his sessions is that they are profound and transforming.
The Executive Coaching Program is suitable for executives and professionals. The Mindset Transformation Coaching Program enables coaches to build desired mindsets based on traits, behaviours, abilities, and desires to achieve professional goals.
123 Wekker Street
Moreleta Park
Pretoria, 0081
South Africa
Phone: +2782 551 2652
Email: info@jabuzwane.co.za
Website: www.jabuzwane.co.za